Long story short, I suck at tuning my instrument and just lost my tuner...
This will require the python module soundevice and matplotlib.
So in order to tune my guitar I indeed need a spectrosonogram that displays the frequencies captured in real time by an audio device with an output readable enough I can actually know if I am nearing a legit frequency called a Note.
The frequencies for the notes are pretty arbitrary and I chose to only show the frequency for E, A , D, G, B since I have a 5 strings bass.
I chose the frequency between 100 and 2000 knowing that anyway any frequency below will trigger harmonics and above will trigger reasonance in the right frequency frame.
Plotting a spectrogram is done by tweaking the eponym matplotlib grapher with values chosen to fit my need and show me a laser thin beam around the right frequency.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Show a text-mode spectrogram using live microphone data.""" import argparse import math import shutil import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import matplotlib.animation as animation import numpy as np import sounddevice as sd usage_line = ' press enter to quit,' def int_or_str(text): """Helper function for argument parsing.""" try: return int(text) except ValueError: return text try: columns, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() except AttributeError: columns = 80 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--list-devices', action='store_true', help='show list of audio devices and exit') args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args() if args.list_devices: print(sd.query_devices()) parser.exit(0) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__ + '\n\nSupported keys:' + usage_line, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, parents=[parser]) parser.add_argument( '-b', '--block-duration', type=float, metavar='DURATION', default=50, help='block size (default %(default)s milliseconds)') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--device', type=int_or_str, help='input device (numeric ID or substring)') parser.add_argument( '-g', '--gain', type=float, default=10, help='initial gain factor (default %(default)s)') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--range', type=float, nargs=2, metavar=('LOW', 'HIGH'), default=[50, 4000], help='frequency range (default %(default)s Hz)') args = parser.parse_args(remaining) low, high = args.range if high <= low: parser.error('HIGH must be greater than LOW') q = Queue() try: samplerate = sd.query_devices(args.device, 'input')['default_samplerate'] def plot(q): global samplerate fig, ( ax,axs) = plt.subplots(nrows=2) plt.ioff() def animate(i,q): data = q.get() ax.clear() axs.clear() axs.plot(data) ax.set_yticks([ 41.20, 82.41, 164.8, 329.6, 659.3, # E 55.00, 110.0, 220.0, 440.0, 880.0, # A 73.42, 146.8, 293.7, 587.3, # D 49.00, 98.00, 196.0, 392.0, 784.0, #G 61.74, 123.5, 246.9, 493.9, 987.8 ])#B ax.specgram(data[:,-1],mode="magnitude", Fs=samplerate*2, scale="linear",NFFT=9002) ax.set_ylim(150,1000) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate,fargs=(q,), interval=500) plt.show() plotrt = Process(target=plot, args=(q,)) plotrt.start() def callback(indata, frames, time, status): if any(indata): q.put(indata) else: print('no input') with sd.InputStream(device=args.device, channels=1, callback=callback, blocksize=int(samplerate * args.block_duration /50 ), samplerate=samplerate) as sound: while True: response = input() if response in ('', 'q', 'Q'): break for ch in response: if ch == '+': args.gain *= 2 elif ch == '-': args.gain /= 2 else: print('\x1b[31;40m', usage_line.center(args.columns, '#'), '\x1b[0m', sep='') break except KeyboardInterrupt: parser.exit('Interrupted by user') except Exception as e: parser.exit(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
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