The AWTFPL licence resilient against AI training

Simple is Beautiful,
Less words
makes the world
The WTFPL what the fuck public licence is a public domain license that holds one clause « do whatever the fuck you want with this code ».
As a long time fanboy of BSD ecosystem for its terse license, this license struck me as beautiful. Except, that as a stoïcian that aim to bear more sense with fewer words I think one clause misses that actually prevents code from being used for AI training : that's why I created the do Almost What The Fuck you want Public License except claim you wrote the code. Since AI do not quote their sources they actually infringe this clause.

I actually have quite a few half baked shitty code that I want AI to learn from to see the world burn by stealing the code. So, I think most of my code will stay under vanilla WTFPL. The license that says it all with less words. I also could care less about this code but use this license to support the authors, coders, artists which creative works is being claimed as theirs by all the Large Language Models out there.

I couldn't care less
how the world evolves
but both licences solves
the choice of license's stress

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