We need a more anti-clerical mindset in Information Technologies

I have recently made a rabbit hole in postscript, PDF, SVG, tk/Tcl (hence modern graphical UI), unicode and have worked intensively in web technologies. And I can tell you something : the modern clergy must die !

Talking like an ivy league student (https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/thread/AE2M7KOIQR37K3XSQW7FSV5KO4LMYHWX/) is the freaking norm in open source software, and it ain't no secrets that expressing yourself like a « vulgar » street guy make any of your comment thrown to the thrash. I am « deftones » BORED of this, and I think this is becoming a major problem.

Clergymen are the knowledgable persons who from their ivory tower classify, gives names and structure the knowledges of the others. Charles Marche would say the « bourgeois » appropriate the « praxein » (how to) by transforming it into « doxein » (know how). But what else the bourgeois are famous for ?

Creating private property everywhere they can : on numbers (ISDN, IPv4, IPv6, DOI, OUI, PCI ids, BGP prefixes), on glyphemes (emojis, fonts), on sound (musics), fucking frequencies (5G, digital radio), time (RT GPS) ... Anything that physics can define as observable : even freaking colours can be patented !

Us from the « soute à charbon » (coal bunker) have in common with the boss of startup that we began coding with the raise of lowspec computers (C64, Z80, apple II (for the riches), CPC464, HP28/48 (kind of expensive at the time) ...). Why aren't we the boss ? Because someone need to do the job, and it won't be the bosses, the lawyers and their balls leakers (academic). Because, I vy League are the crucible of where these balls suckers are molded in this culture that sees THEIR views as universal.

Recently I have been raising to python and firefox my concern that I have NO LINE OF DEFENSE against something that seems irrationnal to me from the « coal bunker » : I cannot detect or correct when unicode bidir algorithm are presenting a < as a >
from unicodedata import normalize
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

def simple_app(environ, start_response):
    status = '200 OK'
    headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')]
    start_response(status, headers)
    ret = [("%s < =? %s" % (n, normalize(n,"\u202b>\u202b\n"))).encode("utf-8")
           for n in ("NFD", "NFC", "NFKD", "NFKC")]
    return ret

with make_server('', 8000, simple_app) as httpd:
    print("Serving on port 8000...")

Take a web browser and admire that < and > both appears and no stdlib/filters/normalizations exists for this.

What is a contract ? (Beware, I have huguenot origin the holy geist of capitalism runs through my blood)

If I show you a contract on screen, what should I consider the stuff on which agreement has been made ? What is shown or what is written ?

Since, we automatize contract processing it does not matter. What is written of course prevails on what is shown. And all of firefox/python coders said : « the holy unicode norm prevails ».

I don't want to pick a fight with unicode since only persons who actually have been experiencing first hand the madness of unicode editing bidir mixed strings will grock whatever I said.

Editing bidir string is like following the white rabbit under LSD of Alice in wonderland. The clergyman will tell you « YOU FAILED BY NOT FOLLOWING THE MYSTERIOUS ONE BEST WAY©® » (which basically boils down to use the latest iOS on the latest Mac Mx).

You see how my double punctuation marks have all a space in front ?

It is because my typography reflex are inherited from french language and I find it clearer. Typography is ONE of the many « ONE BEST WAY », and PEP8 enforces another one that contradicts mine. Making me consider « properly formatted » python code un-fucking-readable.

I have a master in physics and stumbled upon laplacians, differential and pretty complex equations, I have learned by strong burns that math are easier to read (FOR ME) when I deviate from the norm by adding MORE SPACES THAN REQUIRED.

You might rightly argue that what works for me IS NOT UNIVERSAL.

In greek there is a word for universal : catholic. It is a concept that has been heralded by chauvinistics genocidal embodiement of all what is wrong in our civilisation : « philosophs ».
Philosophs in Athens were richs sons of aristocrats and hiérarchs (holy persons) who thought that democracy was a threat to their unique Nature of « enlightened » piece of shit they were. They believed in absolute power of knowledge over everything and thought knowing maths was enough to have an opinion on every topic on earth : diet, pseudo-science, ruling a country, deciding who lives and who dies, what books to keep in libraries how to properly format writings and which one to throw away. They throw all books from the « sophists » who had the cardinal sin of opposing the « catholic » « one best way » in favor of the « πάντων χρημάτων ἄνθρωπον μέτρον εἶναι » (for all judgement man (he/she in its diversity) is the measure).

Hence, as a sophist I don't claim I am right, I claim I have the right to make a plea « as an equal human on the public place » for my case without being disregarded as « not following the « one best way ». Don't mistake me, I strictly don't want my views to be embraced by all as universal, nor disregard the others. I want to be talked as an equal on the agora.

All the answers I had were : we aren't gonna do anything because that's exactly WHAT THE NORM (unicode freaking hummongous mammothian riddled with more undefined behaviour than a C++ standard) SAID.

You know what, as a coder that HAVE to redact the web page that involves situation in which you click and it ties you to an immediate non reversible CONTRACT, I surely do advise you discuss with me.

This attitude towards discussion : always invoquing « the norm » first and refusing discussion with heterodox is undistinguishable from a clergy.
Fuck the norms, fuck the existing de-facto clergy of educated CS graduate, fuck the MPAA, the RIAA, unicode, and what the industry « wants » : let's talk about the freaking consequences for the « anthropos » (the animal called men and women) that must deal with the chaos of less than satisfyingly baked cathedral of norms.

And unicode is just the tip of the iceberg, PS, PDF, Tk and SVG deserves their OWN topic because, to me internet as a way to print knowledge and helps the « vulgus pecum » (the mass of persons not speaking ivy league english) share informations is being barred from exactly this by the norms themselves.

PDF and unicode are the opposite of Gutenberg press : neither a revolution of simplification of the essence of the written language (french happily lost a lot of letters and ligature in the process of Gutenberg Revolution), nor an ease of printing but they are WALLS of useless complexity that makes me regret the existence of daisy printers.
Modern web technologies is a dyschronia where the diffusion of information is being ruled by people with the Catholic church mindset opposing the ideals of Gutenberg. Modern web technology and computing is an effective dysfunction of what education should thrive for : emancipation of the mass by letting people exchange information the easiest they can and build their own tooling.

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