PySimpleGUI : surviving the rug pull of licence part I

I liked pySimpleGUI, because as a coder that likes tkinter (the Tk/Tcl bindings) and as a former tcl/tk coder I enoyed the syntaxic sugar that was avoiding all the boiler plates required to build the application.

The main advantage was about not having to remember in wich order to make the pack and having to do the mainloop call. It was not a revolution, just a simple, elegant evolution, hence I was still feeling in control.

However, the projet made a jerk move by relicensing in full proprietary license that requires a key to work functionnaly.

I will not discuss this since the point have been made clearly on python mailing list.

Luckily I want to raise 2 points :
  • we have been numerous coders to fork the project for doing pull requests
  • it higlights once more the danger of too much dependencies

If you have a working copy of the repository

Well, you can still install a past version of pysimpleGUI, but unless you can do
pip install  git+

Pro: if that version suited you, your old code will work
Con: there will be no update for the bugs and it is pretty much a no-go.

Expect free alternative

One of the power of free software is the power to fork, and some coders already forked in a « free forever » version of pysimpleGUI.
One of this fork is : Free Simple GUI.

Pro: migration is as simple as :
pip install FreeSimpleGUI
and then in the source :
- import PySimpleGUI as sg
+ import FreeSimpleGUI as sg

Con: a project is as useful as the capacity of the community to keep up with the job of solving issues and the strength of the community to follow up.

Migrating to tkinter

This will be covered in the week to come by translating some examples to real life migration by myself.

Since tkinter has improved a lot and his a pillar of python distribution when it is not broken by debian, it is fairly easy.

Pro: diminises the need for a dependency and empower you with the poweful concept of tk such as variables binded to a widget (an observer pattern).
Con: PySimpleGUI is a multi-target adaptor to not only tkinter but also remi (web), wx, Qt. If you were using the versatility of pysimpleGUI and its multi-platform features you really need to look at the « free forever » alternatives.

Housekeeping an mp3 collection with python and postgres (for fun)

When you have backup, it's always easier to clean your backuped directories with mind at ease.
I could give the final script right there it's less than 30 lines of code and pretty clear : you move file from the origin if there is nothing in destination formed with the name of the artist
#!/usr/bin/env python

from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.flac import FLAC
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from  pathlib import Path
import shutil

root=Path(Path.home() / "Musique" /"Music" / "incoming")
dest_root_dir=Path(Path.home() / "Musique")

import os
for r,d, f in os.walk(root):
    for file in f:
            reader = lambda fl: MP3(x, ID3=EasyID3)
            if file.endswith("flac") or file.endswith("FLAC"):
            mp3= reader(os.path.join(r,file))
            fn= os.path.join(r , file)
            artist=mp3.get('artist', ["tosort"])[0].strip()
            album= mp3.get('album', ["tosort"])[0].strip()
            dst_dir = Path(dest_root_dir / artist / album )
            destination=Path(dst_dir / file)
            if not destination.is_file():
                shutil.move( fn, destination )
        except Exception as e:
            print("Arg %s for file «%s»"  % (repr(e), file))

But, what if you had more than one choice for solving the doublons ? One being good and the other one corrupted or worse ... truncated ?

For the fun, we are gonna try to see how bad the situation is before moving files and if it's worhty. First out of my small playlist of 5300 do I have the ID3 tags album and artist defined for everyone ?
#!/usr/bin/env python

from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from archery import mdict

import os
for r,d, f in os.walk("/home/jul/Musique"):
    for file in f:
            SEEN += mdict({ k: 1 for k in MP3(os.path.join(r,file), ID3=EasyID3).keys() })
        except Exception as e:
            print("Arg %s for file «%s»"  % (repr(e), file))
from json import dumps
print(dumps(dict(reversed(sorted(SEEN.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]))), indent=4))

The answer is ...
    "title": 3891,
    "artist": 3879,
    "genre": 3394,
    "album": 3248,
    "tracknumber": 2830,
    "date": 2572,
20% of the files don't seem to have any MP3 tags at all (metadata). My mp3 have been gathered since 1996 so it's quite normal :D
Second, how much collision do we have ? Either by hash or by filename ?
It's a tad overkill, but since I have postgres running, let's put all the data in base :

    filename text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    artist text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    album text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    title text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    date text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    tracknumber text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    destination text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    hash text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    CONSTRAINT mail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (filename)

TABLESPACE pg_default;

   OWNER to jul;
And then we insert all data in the database
#!/usr/bin/env python
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from  pathlib import Path
import psycopg2
import os
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=mp3 user=jul")
root=Path(Path.home() / "Musique")
for r,d, f in os.walk(root):
    for file in f:
            if file.lower().endswith("mp3"):
                mp3= MP3(os.path.join(r,file), ID3=EasyID3)
                with conn.cursor() as sql:
                    fn= os.path.join(r , file)
                    artist=mp3.get('artist', ["unk"])[0].strip()
                    album= mp3.get('album', ["unk"])[0].strip()
                    title=mp3.get('title', ["unk"])[0].strip()
                    destination=Path(root / artist / album / file)
                    #from pdb import set_trace;set_trace()
                        INSERT INTO mp3
                                (filename, artist, album, title, tracknumber, "date", destination, hash
                                VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,  %s, %s);
                            mp3.get('tracknumber', ["unk"])[0].strip(), 
                            mp3.get('date', ["unk"])[0].strip(), 
        except Exception as e:
            print("Arg %s for file «%s»"  % (repr(e), file))
The python hash function beats cryptographic hash in speed and is so used it bulletproof. For detecting collision, it is « good enough ».
Now, let's see if it's worthy to clean up my mess ?
select count(*) from mp3 m 
        (select count(*) as ord, hash from mp3 GROUP BY hash ) sec 
    ON m.hash=sec.hash 
    WHERE  sec.ord > 1 ;

count | 358
Nearly 10% ! That's a good catch. Actually we count some files more than once. Let's try to see how much files we expect in the end.

First, let's count files unique by hash :
select count(*) from mp3 m 
    inner join 
        (select count(*) as ord, hash from mp3 GROUP BY hash  HAVING  count(hash) = 1 ) sec
    on m.hash = sec.hash;

Let's count unique expected destination for multiple hash
select count(distinct(m.destination)) from mp3 m 
    inner join 
        (select count(*) as ord, hash from mp3 GROUP BY hash  HAVING  count(hash) != 1 ) sec
    on m.hash = sec.hash;

So .... We expect 5286 mp3 files in the destination directory :
find . -type f | grep -i "mp3$"| wc -l
Well, it accounts for the OS errors due to me having not checked if the mp3 files where actually not misnamed format.

The world being not about perfection but pragmatism, I call it a win for half a day of having fun and cleaning up :D